EMT Experience Program

About the EMT Experience Program

In 2022, the Center for Pre-Health Advising (CPHA) and the Fire Department of Mount Horeb (FDMH) partnered to launch a pilot EMT Experience Program (EMTEP). The UW-FDMH EMTEP is an approximately two-year long program that seeks to help increase access and equity in healthcare through providing a combination of EMT certification, transportation, and hands-on, mentored professional development experiences to undergraduates committed to serving as volunteer EMTs within local rural communities.

EMT experience is one pathway for students to gain direct patient care experience and enhanced professional networks, both of which are crucial to reaching their health career goals.

Through campus-community partnerships and investment, EMTEP continues to strategically evolve and grow. As of 2024, the full program now includes:

  • Funding to pursue EMT certification (via full scholarship or post-program reimbursement).
  • Two years of structured volunteer service, professional development, and mentorship from FDMH and additional healthcare providers.
  • Provided transportation to and from Mount Horeb.
  • Dedicated career development support from the Center for Pre-Health Advising.

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CPHA FDMH EMT Program 2024 Pinning Ceremony

Funding Pathways

The program offers two funding pathways for EMT certification: a full summer scholarship or tuition reimbursement. 

Funding Path 1: Scholarship

Each year, two new students are selected to receive a full scholarship from CPHA to complete EMT certification through Madison College in summer.

Funding Path 2: Reimbursement

Additional students are selected to receive reimbursement from FDMH for self-funded EMT certification, following the completion of EMTEP.

Program Structure

Year One

  • EMT certification courses (at Madison College for scholarship recipients) 
    • In 2025, the Madison College Course will run from May-August, depending on which class you choose to take.
  • Weekend EMT shifts at FDMH every 4-8 Weeks (24-48 hour shifts)
    • EMT Shifts Start: September 2025
    • Provide patient care under the direct supervision of a mentor
  • Monthly EMT Training & Supplemental Programming:
    • There will be once per month EMT training at FDMH:
      • These trainings will be on the fourth Monday of each month at 7pm
      • Trainings will start in September 2025
    • Additional community building and supplemental programming will be offered
  • Skills assessment at end of first year

Year Two

  • Continued weekend EMT shifts at FDMH every 4-8 Weeks 
    • Provide patient care as an “attendant” EMT
    • Provide mentorship to incoming first-year cohort
  • Monthly EMT training & supplemental programming:
    • There will continue to be a once a month EMT training at FDMH on the fourth Monday of each month at 7pm
    • Additional community building and supplemental programming
  • Personalized mentorship and planning to match future goals
  • Opportunity to serve in leadership roles  and as mentors to new cohort
  • While transportation funding is limited to 2 years, many EMTEP alumni continue to serve at FDMH beyond this commitment.


  • Good faith commitment to completing the EMT Certification Class and the 368 hours of EMT shifts over a two-year span.
  • Interest in pursuing professional health care programs post-graduation. 
  • Commitment to working towards greater equity in health care, especially within rural communities.
  • Understanding and appreciation of the importance of a diversity of perspectives in healthcare teams (via lived experiences, identities, educational, and professional backgrounds). 
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled *degree-seeking* UW-Madison students in good academic and non-academic standing at time of application and at least the first semester of participation.
  • Applicants must have completed at least one semester of coursework on the UW-Madison campus and have at least two semesters of coursework left by the program’s start. (Must be enrolled in Fall 2025 and enrolled for Spring 2026.) Incoming first-year students will not be selected.  
  • Students with current EMT certification are welcome to apply and will be eligible for consideration for the reimbursement pathway.

How to Apply

The EMTEP applications open every November and are due in mid- to late-January. When applications open, the opportunity will be shared on this webpage and on our social media (@uwprehealthcenter). The application process includes a Qualtrics application.  

The 2025 Program application opens Monday, November 11th and closes Sunday, January 19th at 11:59PM CT.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Emergency Medical Technician Experience Program (EMTEP)?

In 2022, the Center for Pre-Health Advising (CPHA) and the Fire Department of Mount Horeb (FDMD) partnered to launch EMTEP. EMTEP is an approximately two-year long program that seeks to improve access and equity in healthcare by supporting staffing in rural emergency services and providing professional development experiences to students interested in healthcare careers.

EMTEP is a pathway for undergraduate students at UW-Madison to become EMT-Basic-certified and gain clinical experience and enhanced professional networks in preparation for future careers in healthcare, such as medicine, nursing, and others.

Is prior healthcare experience needed to join EMTEP?

No, prior healthcare experience is not needed.

Can I take classes at UW while attending the Summer EMT-Basic course?

Yes, you can take other summer classes in addition to the EMT-Basic course. Current EMTEP members successfully completed the UW-Madison courses while attending the EMT class at Madison Technical Area College.

Can I join EMTEP if I am already EMT-certified?

Yes, current EMTs are encouraged to apply. You may be eligible for EMT tuition reimbursement.

How do the two funding paths differ?

If accepted to EMTEP, you will be offered admission through one of two paths. Path 1 includes a CPHA scholarship to cover all EMT-Basic certification costs, such as EMT class tuition. Students accepted through Path 2 pay for these expenses up front and receive a full refund after completing the program. Prices may vary slightly from year to year. In 2023, the total cost of EMT-Basic tuition and books at Madison Area Technical College was ~$1,400/student.

Is a two-year commitment required?

Yes, a good faith two-year commitment is integral to your success in EMTEP. After obtaining your EMT license, Year 1 will focus on familiarizing you to medical equipment, patient care protocols, and standard operating procedures specific to FDMH. During Year 2, you will be able to participate in patient care decision making in the prehospital setting, shadow physicians at UW Hospital to expand your understanding of prehospital-to-inpatient continuity of care, and gain leadership experience as an EMTEP instructor, peer-mentor, transportation coordinator, or outreach/social media liaison.

I would be a senior during Year 1 of EMTEP and will have graduated by Year 2. Can I still join?

Yes, you can join EMTEP as a Senior if you plan to continue in the program for one year after graduating from UW. Two current EMTs joined EMTEP as Seniors in Summer 2022 and graduated from UW in Spring 2023. They continue to be part of EMTEP and are employed as in-hospital technicians while working to strengthen their applications for medical school.

Can I join FDMH directly if I am not accepted to EMTEP?

Yes, you can join FDMH without being accepted to EMTEP. Due to funding limitations, EMTEP may not be able to accept all qualified applicants. In this case, you may re-apply directly to FDMH for volunteer positions as ambulance driver, EMT, or firefighter. Please note that these volunteer pathways are independent from CPHA, have different funding/reimbursement mechanisms and hourly requirements, and do not include transportation and shadowing.

Can I pursue additional emergency certifications during EMTEP?

Yes, you may pursue additional certifications during EMTEP, such as Advanced EMT (AEMT), ambulance driver, or firefighter, provided you continue fulfilling all EMTEP requirements, including weekly Monday night trainings and bi-monthly weekend shifts. Please note that additional FDMH requirements may apply.

What are Monday trainings like?

In 2024-2025, EMTEP meets every Monday at ~5:30pm for in-person or virtual training. For in-person training, we meet at UW and either train on campus or travel to FDMH together (transportation to FDMH is provided). In-person training focuses on hands-on simulation-based scenarios. For virtual training, we meet on Zoom and discuss operational and medical concepts, including pathophysiology lectures and case reviews with our physician partners.

Starting in fall 2025, EMTEP will continue to meet for required in-person training at FDMH on the first Monday of every month. The structure of additional supplemental trainings and cohort community building is undergoing a re-design in collaboration with EMTEP members and campus partners.

EMTEP supplemental trainings are scheduled in accordance with UW-Madison’s academic calendar. Supplemental trainings are not scheduled during holidays, winter break, spring break, or final exam weeks.

FDMH required trainings during the summer between Year 1 and Year 2 are still offered on the fourth Monday of the month at FDMH.

Training duration typically varies from ~1-3 hours per session.

What are weekend shifts like?

Teams of two EMTEP students are typically assigned to one weekend ambulance shift every four to eight weeks of the entire duration of the two-year program. 48-hour weekend shifts begin at 6pm on Friday and end on Sunday at 6pm. 24-hour weekend shifts also fit within that time range.

*After feedback from EMTEP participants and considering departmental needs, EMTEP and FDMH are likely to require 24-hour shifts every 4 weeks (~once/month) starting in fall 2025.*

Students arrive by ~5:30-5:45pm on the night of their shift to help prepare the ambulance and need to be prepared to stay a few hours past 6pm on Sunday in case there is a 911 call right before shift change. Transportation to and from FDMH will be provided.

Each EMTEP student works with a driver and crew chief, who may be certified at the AEMT or Paramedic levels. Together, you will respond to 911 calls in a large, mostly rural region of southwest Dane County. Depending on the type of call, you will work with other emergency professionals, such as firefighters and law enforcement officers.

There are two ambulances at FDMH: a primary ambulance that responds to most calls and a secondary ambulance that responds when the primary is already on another call. EMTs may alternate between the primary and secondary ambulances throughout the weekend. During down time, you can rest, cook, workout, watch TV, play games, or study. Bedrooms and bathrooms are private and clean sheets, towels, and body wash/shampoo are provided.

Contact Us

Dua Ci Khang
Lead for Professional Development Programming
Center for Pre-Health Advising