Everyone’s path to a healthcare career looks different, and CPHA is here to support you throughout your time at UW-Madison and beyond.
Whether your first year was at UW-Madison or another college, second year students and up have additional opportunities to meet 1:1 with CPHA advisors in-depth as well as curated online materials to support application development.
As you move through your educational journey, we will be here to help you continue to build your knowledge of health care career paths, explore ways to gain experience in healthcare settings, plan for pre-requisites, and more.
Connect with CPHA

One-on-One Appointments
Second year students and up, including all transfer students, can make an appointment to talk with us about their pre-health interests and plans via Starfish.
New in-person and virtual appointments are released every Wednesday.

Drop-in Advising
Have a quick pre-health question? Come to drop-in advising (in-person or virtually) to meet with an advisor Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:00p.m. – 3:30p.m.
For the latest schedule updates, please refer to our CPHA Events Calendar!

Pre-Health Canvas Courses
If healthcare is a new interest, begin by signing up for Pre-Health 101, our free, online orientation.
If you plan to apply in the next year or two, enroll in a free, self-paced “Applying to Programs” Canvas course!
Questions Box
Can’t make it to drop-ins to get your quick questions answered? Write to our questions box at questions@prehealth.wisc.edu!
This account is monitored M-F during CST business hours. We respond to questions within 24-48 hours.

Applicant Advising
Applying to a health professions program soon? See our Applicant Advising page for more on how to make the most of your appointment with a pre-health advisor.
Alumni Advising
Looking for alumni resources? There is no time limit in our services to you. We will be here to support you for as long as you want to work with us. Visit our Alumni Advising page for more resources!